Living from within

Go inside and listen to your inner voice.
Every question has an answer.
Look deeper and listen to that quiet voice.
— Yogi Bhajan

This quote is from ‘The 8 Human Talents’, a Kundalini Yoga book. The exercises last between 3 and 7 minutes and allow us to decide which part of the body to focus our attention on. 

Often, the body offers subtle clues, leading us to notice things that the mind isn’t yet ready to understand. The freedom of letting the body guide us towards what it needs could help.

This quiet blank space is a good foundation to start the day. ‘Living from within’ with a bit more awareness is always a win. So when you feel like it, look deeper and listen to that quiet voice. You might be surprised by what you discover :)

First Chakra: Root

Human talent: Acceptance - Shadow emotions: Resentment, Rigidity

Second Chakra: Sacral

Human talent: Creativity - Shadow emotion: Passionate manipulation, Guilt

Third Chakra: Navel Center

Human talent: Commitment - Shadow emotions: Anger, Greed

Fourth Chakra: Heart Center

Human talent: Compassion - Shadow emotions: Fear, attachment

Fifth Chakra: Throat

Human talent: Truth  - Shadow emotions: Denial, Abruptness

Sixth Chakra: Third eye point

Human talent: Intuition  - Shadow emotions: Confusion, Depression

Seventh Chakra: Crown of the head

Human talent: Bounlessness  - Shadow emotions: Grief

Eighth Chakra: Aura

Human talent: Radiance  - Shadow emotions: None