The 'endy bit' of the loaf

After some thought about who in the household eats the endy bits of the loaf, the whys and the why nots there is a realisation at how the word ‘compromise’ creeps into our day with stealth.  Do we compete for the same thing or pull in opposite directions?

Returning from a ‘foot off the pedal’ summer. All ‘rested and reflected’ throws a spotlight on a return to needs, wants, priorities, deadlines and COMPROMISE.

Does having more choice lead to more decisions needing addressed in far less time than our parents? Are we content with what we finally negotiate? Or do we get stuck on a roundabout, maybe even in reverse mode with the overwhelm, with the overwhelm, with the overwhelm.
I came back ‘rested and reflected’, right?

So who is running this show?
Why does it seem as if there are many systems in place ‘out there’, ready to flick a switch and give advice about maximising business potential, search engine optimisation, how to gain more followers and get 3 million nutrients crammed into one smoothie.

To ‘save time’. 
To save me time ???

I should keep up. 
Should I keep up? 

Can I slow down, take my time, enjoy the journey?
Can I honour my own boundaries, physical, emotional, ethical and all the other al’s
Everyone talks of work / life BALANCE, but isn't it work / life COMPROMISE in disguise? And how often are these boundaries reset, rubbed away, snapped right off?
Compromise has such a lose / lose sound to it?
Maybe I want more balance

So you might find me sitting quietly with a cup of 'Solar Power', our new Relaxayvoo tea.
Whilst unscrewing the cap
Applying a few drops on the wrist
And breathing in that scent
Taking                                a moment

Ps: Please let me know if you have found ‘the art of compromise’ or a tweak that works for you. I look forward to hearing from you - if you have time !!